Murder in the Library: The Mysterious Bookshop Presents The Best Mysteries of the Year

In response to his ousting as editor of the much beloved The Best American Mystery Stories series of yearly anthologies, Otto Penzler (editor, anthologist, bookstore owner, schmoozer and mystery scene gadabout, launched his own series of annual best-ofs, under the rather ungainly The Mysterious Bookshop Presents The Best Mysteries of the Year banner.

Meanwhile, the original Best American American Stories was retitled The Best American Mystery and Suspense Stories, and promised stories by a wider and more diverse variety of authors, although so far many of the same authors—if not the same stories—have appeared in both series.

Woke, schmoke—for all the bleating and chest pounding of the rival series editors, in many cases the same authors—if not the same stories–have appeared in both series.

I’m just glad we now have two annual collections to shove under the tree every year.


Respectfully submitted by Kevin Burton Smith.


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