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Jack Silence

Created by Teel James Glenn

“We Make Parafey go away.”
— Ghostmaker Inc.’s slogan

Former actor JACK SILENCE is the hard-boiled hero in  author Teel James Glenn‘s urban-fantasy series, set in a cock-eyed world a little bit like ours, and a little bit not.

It seems that after The Convergence, the “Fey” took over from the “Mundanes” (regular humans, I guess), with the result that the dead and all kinds of nefarious spirits and other assorted creatures have come back to life. They’re called the Parafey.

As we’re ominously warned in one of the blurbs, “Someone has to deal with them, someone has to eliminate them.”

Enter Jack. His occupation? Ghostmaker.

Along with his sidekick, a pulp-loving gnome named Grondo, they’re swords-for-hire, knocking on door, taking down names and kicking Parafey ass, set loose in a world of werewolves, vampires thugs, gargoyle gangsters, zombie snitches, subway tunnel-dwelling trolls, and, of course, cops. Honest and otherwise.

Yeah, cops.

Like Raymond Chandler says of them at the end of The Long Goodbye, “I never saw any of them again — except the cops. No way has yet been invented to say goodbye to them.”

Although, swords in hand, Jack and Grondo do their best.




Respectfully submitted by Kevin Burton Smith.

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