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Ezra Cain (Brutal Dark)

Created by Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips

So, while the world was going crazy in 2020, and their proposed series launch of their ongoing series from Image, That Texas Blood, was being indefinitely delayed, comic guys Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips whipped up a little something to tide fans over.

What they cooked up was a pulpy little digital-only detective story called Brutal Dark, featuring 1940s New York private eye EZRA CAIN, doled out in monthly installments.

They promise each noir adventure tale will be “short but sweet – 8 pages, exclusively digital and ONLY ONE DOLLAR!

The catch? You have to become a Patreon of Chris and Jason to get it.

It’s worth it, though, especially if you’re a fan. Everyone knows I’m a big fan of the comic work of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, gritty crime fiction, and the films of the Coen Bros, and this seemed promising.

But after reading the first issue of That Texas Blood, I was hooked. The art by Phillips was definitely up to family standards, and the script by Condon? Yowsah!

So I’m in. Let’s see what these racket boys can do…

Turns out lightning can strike twice. What I’ve seen so far of Brutal Dark is promising. Cain ever bears more than a passing resemblance to Dashiell Hammett, although I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, right?

Like the fact the movie theatre he’s passing by in the second issue is showing The Maltese Falcon. Or that the action takes place in 1941, which means a certain “Day of Infamy” is just around the corner.



Respectfully submitted by Kevin Burton Smith.

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