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Hidden Tracks

Private Eye TV Shows… with Real! Live! Rockers!

Yeah, we all know it’s only rock and roll. But we like it.

Still, in the decades before Midnight Special and MTV, the fusion of rock and TV drama had always been iffy, if not downright embarrassing. Think of rock and roll and television as fraternal twins, born in the same era, not conjoined, but still intrinsically linked, forced to play together if only because they came of age more or less at the same time, and shared a market—the emerging, post-war baby boomer audience.

But they did not play together well. Rock was co-opted and ridiculed by television’s powers that be (Elvis singing to an actual hound dog? Oh, the hilarity!), shown from the waist up only, and television drama featuring alleged rock and rollers, was worse. Despite its best efforts, the music (and usually the musicians) was almost always hopelessly out of touch, with middle-aged actors in ill-fitting wigs and clothing from J.C. Penneys’ Out-of-It Shop lip-synching room temperature Muzak about as far removed from real rock’n’roll as Pat Boone.

And yet they kept trying (and trying and trying), and sometimes real-life rockers actually slipped through the cracks, a few of them even making it onto private eye shows, albeit with decidedly mixed results.

Buffalo Springfield

Jenny Lewis

Jethro Tull

Neil Diamond

Iggy Pop

Lou Rawls

Respectfully submitted by Kevin Burton Smith.

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