Sweating The Small Stuff

The Shortest Eyes

These eyes may be small on stature, but they get the job done…

  • Inch High, Private Eye
    The hero of this 1972 Hanna Barbera cartoon for kids was a towering one inch high. Suffice it to say Inch’s height was played for laughs…
  • Mongo by George Chesboro
    The best known short eye, Mongo is a former circus dwarf turned professor of criminology and sometime investigator who has appeared in a long-running series that manages to straddle the boundaries of supernatural and detective fiction.
  • Big John Novak by Harlan Ellison
    One of the shortest (three-foot-two) and certainly one of the earliest attempta to create a mystery story featuring “a little person as a protagonist,” Big John appeared in 1956.
  • Hank Dingo by David Capperd
    The ill-tempered hero of Comedy Central’s Knee High P.I., which promised “49 inches of hot private dick action!” Oh, the hilarity.
  • Arthur Boyle by Peter Hyams
    Another dwarf who, with his partner, regular-sized Frank Hogan, appeared in the well-received 1972 television movie, Goodnight My Love.
  • Johnny Havoc by John Jakes
    A refreshing change. He’s not an inch-high cartoon or a dwarf. He’s just short, measuring a mere 5’1″, but he sure gets around. He appeared in four zany novels in the sixties. Recommended if you like Prather’s Shell Scott.
  • Ben Bryn by Russell Gray (Bruno Fischer)
    A childhood bout with polio left this pulp eye with a pair of whithered and almost useless legs. But that didn’t stop the 5’2″ gumshoe from developing an extremely powerful upper torso, grim determination and a razor-sharp mind. Oh, and a little bit of sensitivity when confronted by tall women. Played more for pathos than laughs.
Respectfully compiled by Kevin Burton Smith. Further additions welcome.

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